Dormitory life

Each student's family should provide:
Sheets (4-6)
Mattress pads (2)
Bedspread (1)
Blankets or Comforter (electric
blankets are not permitted)
Pillow (1)
Pillow cases (4)
Bath Towels (6)
Wash Cloths (3)
Laundry bags (2)
Alarm Clock (battery backup)
(A student’s phone should not be
their only alarm)
Families may also wish to provide:
A carpet: small rug in good condition (no larger than 7' x 9') with a non-skid backing, with a short pile
for easy cleaning.
A desk lamp: Choose a reading lamp that provides adequate, non-glaring light that will protect your child's
eyes during study sessions.
A foot locker/chest: Small (not more than 20" x 30" x 15"), lockable, and usable as storage.
Room Decorations: Pictures and posters. (No pictures or posters depicting drugs, alcohol, tobacco or nudity
are allowed.) The use of empty liquor bottles and posters of questionable artistic value as room decorations are
not permitted. Plants, radio, stereo (with earphones, please), small wall mirror(s).
Jag och mamma har precis kollat igenom vad jag ska ha med mig till själva rummet. och här ser ni det( kopierad info från student handbook):

Each student's family should provide:
Sheets (4-6)
Mattress pads (2)
Bedspread (1)
Blankets or Comforter (electric
blankets are not permitted)
Pillow (1)
Pillow cases (4)
Bath Towels (6)
Wash Cloths (3)
Laundry bags (2)
Alarm Clock (battery backup)(A student’s phone should not be their only alarm)
Families may also wish to provide:
A carpet: small rug in good condition (no larger than 7' x 9') with a non-skid backing, with a short pile
for easy cleaning.
A desk lamp: Choose a reading lamp that provides adequate, non-glaring light that will protect your child's
eyes during study sessions.
A foot locker/chest: Small (not more than 20" x 30" x 15"), lockable, and usable as storage.
Room Decorations: Pictures and posters. (No pictures or posters depicting drugs, alcohol, tobacco or nudity
are allowed.) The use of empty liquor bottles and posters of questionable artistic value as room decorations are
not permitted. Plants, radio, stereo (with earphones, please), small wall mirror(s).


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